Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blog #5 Allergies

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To all of my clients and friends:
Ah-Choo, ooooh those Allergies that range from mold spores,pet dander and other irritants that tend to lurk in the spring breeze. Symptoms such as itchy eyes,runny noses,serial sneezes and congestion can be eliminated or reduced by taking  steps now to minimize the frequency and severity of seasonal allergy symptoms. Here are a few antidotes: 

1)Eliminate Food allergies and intolerances 
Eighty percent of our immune system is in our gut. If we unwittingly eat foods every day that triggers the body into an inflammatory reaction we create a cycle that puts a burden on our immune system. Common culprits are dairy, wheat,corn,soy,yeast and nuts.Try avoiding these common offenders for a couple of weeks and then gradually reintroduce them one by one over several weeks, watching for ill effects. 
2)Recharge Immunity
Now is the time for a tune up to balance your immune system. Acupuncture can help give a boost in many ways either by stress reduction, improved sleep cycles or balancing hormones. Under stress, the body releases too much cortisol that eventually will wreak havoc with the immune system. Frequent sessions of moderate exercise and other stress reduction activities are also good to commit to . 
3)Nasal Wash
A simple and effective way of cleaning our the mucus that tends to collect allergens, is to gently irrigate your nasal passages using a neti pot.Others find relief with nasal sprays that contain xylitol. Research shows that this natural sugar may enhance the killing of bacteria in the nasal passages. Acupuncture can also assist with nasal flow and congestion.
4)Herbs and Supplements
Try some natural substances that contain antihistamine and antiallergenic compounds such as Butterbur,Nettle,Quercetin and Tumeric. Eat fruits and veggies such as red onions,capers and apples that are rich in  bioflavonoids. Drink lots of great and black teas. Inquire about Chinese herbal formulas to help with immune boosting and or alleviating allergy symptoms. 
5)Manage your Environment
Minimize common allergens such as dust mites,pet dander and chemicals with frequent vacuuming,dusting and pet-grooming.Avoid artifical fragrances that can trigger immune responses. For cleaner air inside, change your furnance’s air filter once a month and consider buying a HEPA air filter for the bedroom. 

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