Monday, May 30, 2011

Nourishing Digestion with Fermented Foods

Traditional foods have been fermented for ages for both preservation and health benefits. Research clearly shows that fermented foods aid digestion and support immune function. Consuming these foods creates an environment against harmful pathogenic microorganisms in a number of ways.By eating these beneficial bacteria or "probiotics" such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria studies have shown positve effects such as:
*Maintaining health intestinal flora and prevent colonization of pathogenic organisms.
*Preserve nutrients and break them down into easily digestible form, increasing the nutritive value of foods.
*Create new cultures that increase B vitamins.
*Enhance the absorption of minerals,particularly calcium,iron,zinc,magnesium,phosphorus and copper.
*Neutralize toxins, such as phytic acid, that block mineral absorption.

Sandor Ellix Katz has written an excellent book called"Wild Fermentation:the Flavor,Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods"(Chelsea Green, 2003). I concur with his philosophy on eating a variety of live fermented foods to promote a biodiversity of microbial cultures. The list of foods and drinks range from well known dishes such as kimchi,sauerkraut,yogurt to Sonnenblumenkernbrot(German sunflower Seed Bread,and chang(Nepalese rice beer). I encourage all to check out his book.

With my recent trip to Tawain via Korea I was fortunate to have kimchi, best known as fermented Korean food with each meal. Here's a favorite of mine:Cauliflower Kimchi
1 head of cauliflower
2 carrots, peeled and diced
2 stalks celery,sliced
garlic, ginger,and red pepper powder(cayenne pepper)
The stems of the cauliflower are torn apart and sliced flat. Chop carrots into small pieces. Pickle both
vegetables with salt and let set for 10 minutes. Save the brine for later use. Thinly slice celery.
Add the celery,garlic,ginger and red pepper powder to the pickled cauliflower and carrot pieces. Adjust taste with salt and sugar. Put mix into a airtight container(quart size jar), pressing down to remove any air pockets.
Rinse the mixing bowl with the brine saved and pore it into the container.Weigh the veggies down with a zip-loc bag filled with some brine. Allow a week or so to ferment properly in a warm place located in your kitchen. Once it starts tasting ripe move the Kimchi to your refrigerator. Bon App'tite