Sunday, January 29, 2012

Cancer Care: Relief for common side effects

I have just started doing some volunteer work at the Cancer Center and have noted a list of common side effects that patients seem to deal with.

Nausea: Better prescriptive drugs are available for nausea and vomiting before,during and after  chemotherapy sessions. Some other things to consider are ginger root in a capsule form or brewed as a tea,candied ginger,hypnosis or even medicinal marijuana to selected patients. Acupuncture either offered by a practitioner or self-acupressure applied with a thumb to acupuncture points or devices such as the Sea-Band wristband(to learn more visit

Fatigue:Have your doctor first check for medical causes such as anemia.After chemotherapy and radiation are finished,consider traditional Chinese medicine in helping to restore a balance to your body. Things I have suggested to patients are trying a daily tonic such as cordyceps or ginseng, improving your sleep habits and maintaing a regular exercise program to help overcome fatigue. Sometimes there could be and underlying stress or anger about the cancer that may be draining your energy.Seeking emotional and spiritual support is advisable. Start by surrounding yourself with positive people.

Weight loss: Poor appetite may cause you to veer off the perfect diet and add enough foods that seem appealing so that you keep a healthy weight during treatment.Omega-3 fatty acids found now in ProSure made by Ensure may help prevent weight loss.

Mouth Sores: Lozenges of slippery elm or chewing tablets of DGL(deglycyrrhiznated licorice)may soothe the lining of the mouth.A mouthwash of L-glutamine powder and water or a homeopathic remedy called Traumeel may be helpful. Acupuncture treatments can also be helpful.

Burns:Applying aloe vera gel or vitamin E gelcap can soothe reddened or burned skin post radiation treatment.

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