What can I expect if treated with acupuncture?
Acupuncture and herbs may alleviate many conditions very rapidly;however,some conditions that have arisen over a course of years will be relieved only with slow,steady progress. As in many forms of healing, the patient's attitude,diet,determination, and lifestyle will affect the outcome of a course of treatment.
Traditional Chinese medicines is also an educational process in which the patient becomes more aware, and responsible for his or her own body's vitality and wellness. Advise may be given to help the patient establish a more balanced lifestyle and thus maintain a deeper sense of well-being.
Oriental Medicine is a complete system itself, and is complementary to Western Medicine. Your acupuncturist may,depending on your condition,recommend that you seek further advice or treatment from your primary care healthcare practitioner.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Under the care and supervision of a Licensed Acupuncturist, your safety is assured. The needles for treatments are sterile,disposed of after each use by following safety protocol.
Is Acupuncture Painful?
Acupuncture needles are very fine,flexible,and are about the diameter of a strand of human hair. Acupuncture bears no resemblance to the feeling of receiving an injection,since the main source of pain from injections is the larger diameter,hollow needle and the medication being pushed into the tissue by pressure. In most cases, insertion by a skilled practitioner is performed with minimum of discomfort. Most patients find the treatments very relaxing and many fall asleep during the treatments.
Does medical insurance cover Acupuncture?
A number of medical insurance companies cover acupuncture under their policies. Please contact your employer or health insurance company to inquire about your coverage.
What does it treat?
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture and Oriental medicine's ability to treat more then 43 commonly encountered clinical disorders including:
*Gastrointestinal disorders:
Peptic ulcer,constipation,chronic diarrhea,indigestion and gastritis
*Urogenital disorders:
Stress incontinence and urinary tract infections
*Gynecological disorders:
Irregular,heavy or painful menstruation,PMS,infertility in women & men
*Respiratory disorders:
Sinusitis,Asthma,allergies, and bronchitis
Arthritis,neuralgia,migraine headaches,insomnia,dizziness and low back,neck and shoulder pain
*Circulatory disorders:
Hypertension,High cholesterol,and anemia
*Emotional and psychological disorders:
Depression,including Seasonal Affective Disorder, anxiety and stress
*General Medicine:
Eye,ear,nose and throat disorders,including cold & flu symptom relief.